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Speech pathologists: don’t go it alone in 2025!

The big picture:

For lots of reasons, many SLPs are reluctant to ask for help when they need it. Some SLPs end up out of their depth, stressed out, and in trouble.  

Why SLPs don’t ask for help

  • Fear of being vulnerable: thinking that asking for help is a sign of weakness.
  • Overvaluing the importance of self-reliance and independence at work.
  • Fear of losing control: not wanting to be beholden to anyone.
  • Fear of rejection: worrying that colleagues or others will say “no”.
  • Over-empathy: not wanting to be seen as annoying or as a burden to others.
  • Victimhood: misguided thoughts that it’s part of the job to sacrifice and struggle alone until you burnout or leave the profession. 

Why it matters:

Going it alone is unhealthy and unsustainable. It’s unsafe for clients and colleagues. It’s also unprofessional, as SLPs must always:

  • be competent in their fields of practice, and provide supports and services in a competent, timely manner;
  • have the training necessary to deliver services competently;
  • maintain the expertise necessary for services to be delivered to clients;
  • have the equipment and resources needed to provide services competently;
  • be supported with adequate policies, procedures, resources and supervision to ensure services are competently delivered and safe; 
  • recognise their limits by:
    • not delivering services without the necessary competence; and
    • referring clients on to other providers when they can’t provide the service competently.

Getting help:

Isolated and stressed-out SLPs can rewrite their internal scripts to make things better for themselves, their clients and colleagues:

  • Communicate: tell people when you are feeling overloaded and stressed.
  • Reframe asking for help as a strength, and a sign of trust in others.
  • Understand that going it alone is dangerous: it can affect your health and the safety of clients and others around you.
  • Make it easier for people to help you: be specific, explain why you need help, suggest options or next steps, be clear on timelines, be mindful of colleagues’ other commitments, and thank people for helping you!   
  • Be brave: the worst that can happen is someone says no (and they usually won’t).
  • Self-advocate for more support when you need it. 
  • Seek out a coach or mentor to be a sounding board.

Bottom line:

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a skill you can improve and a professional strength. Requests for help are welcomed in healthy workplaces. 

Go deeper: Why It’s So Hard to Ask for Help

For rules about professional competence, see Professional Standard 1, Code of Ethics 1.1, Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners (NSW) 1.2(a), NDIS Code of Conduct 3, and ACCC Consumer Guarantees of service standards and skill and judgment.

Need help?

Check out our NEW Speechies in Business website for more resources and practical tips for getting the right help when you need it.

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