9 questions speech pathology practice owners and supervisors should ask employees in supervision sessions
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9 questions speech pathology practice owners and supervisors should ask employees in one-to-one supervision sessions

9 questions speech pathology practice owners and supervisors should ask employees in one-to-one supervision sessions: If we could improve in any way, how would we do it? What’s the number one problem with our practice? Why? What’s not fun about working here? Who’s doing a great job? Whom do you admire? If you were me,…

9 ideas to increase engagement
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9 ideas to increase engagement and reduce burn out by designing work your team will love

If less than 20% of your work consists of things you love to do, you are far more likely to burn out. Practice owners should design work with love in mind: Source: Buckingham, M. (2022). Designing Work That People Love. Harvard Business Review, June 2022.   This infographic also appears in a recent issue of Banter Booster,…

Early Career Tips for Australian speech pathologists and students considering a career in private practice
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12 early career tips for Australian speech pathologists and students considering a career in private practice

About a quarter of current Australian speech language pathologists (SLPs) joined the profession after May 2019; and about half of all SLPs work in private practice.  If you are an early career SLP in private practice – or if you are an SLP student considering private practice as a graduate – here are some early…

When is a casual employee really a permanent employee?
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When is a casual employee really a permanent employee?

In Australian employment law matters, the real world substance of a work relationship often trumps what the contract says. For example, sometimes people called independent contractors in contracts are really employees. Similarly, sometimes people called casual employees in contracts are really permanent employees – a point recently made clear by the Full Court of the Federal…

Australian speech pathologists and new graduates: ethical alternatives to dodgy independent contracting arrangements
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Australian speech pathologists and new graduates: ethical alternatives to dodgy independent contracting arrangements

For private speech pathologists hiring new graduates, independent contracting arrangements are arguably unethical and undeniably risky. But, sometimes, hiring new graduates as full-time employees isn’t feasible. Maybe workflows are too uneven or insufficient to warrant a full-time hire. And, often, new graduates want flexible arrangements, e.g. to work for a couple of different speech pathologists…

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