9 ideas to increase engagement
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9 ideas to increase engagement and reduce burn out by designing work your team will love

If less than 20% of your work consists of things you love to do, you are far more likely to burn out. Practice owners should design work with love in mind: Source: Buckingham, M. (2022). Designing Work That People Love. Harvard Business Review, June 2022.   This infographic also appears in a recent issue of Banter Booster,…

Early Career Tips for Australian speech pathologists and students considering a career in private practice
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12 early career tips for Australian speech pathologists and students considering a career in private practice

About a quarter of current Australian speech language pathologists (SLPs) joined the profession after May 2019; and about half of all SLPs work in private practice.  If you are an early career SLP in private practice – or if you are an SLP student considering private practice as a graduate – here are some early…

SLP Alert Casual Employees

Alert for Speech Pathologists in Private Practice in Australia: do you know about the new rules for casual employees?

In Australia, new rules about casual employees came into effect on 27 March 2021.* The new rules aim to: make things clearer for employees and employers when figuring out if someone is a casual employee; and give casual employees the right to convert to part-time or full-time employment in some circumstances. We welcome more certainty…

Speech pathologists in private practice How to sleep better

Speech pathologists in private practice: How to sleep better

Between 12-15% of Australians meet the criteria for insomnia. Insomnia is linked to an increased risk of mental health issues and chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Risk factors include having existing health conditions, older age, and being a woman. Long-lasting stress is another contributor – something often experienced in private practice. Having a…

Child Safety Code of Conduct and Policy
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Child Safe Organisations: Why you need a Child Safety Code of Conduct and Policy

If you work with children as an NDIS provider or a health provider, you need a Child Safety Code of Conduct and Policy that is consistent with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations published by the Australian Human Rights Commission (the National Principles). It is also important that your Child Safety Code of Conduct and…

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