Speech pathologists in private practice: do you know about these free resources?
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Speech pathologists in private practice: do you know about these free resources?

As a profession, speech pathologists are generous to a fault. I’ve discovered that most speech pathologists (including very senior academics and over-worked clinicians) are delighted to share their knowledge with those of us in private practice. The key challenge is connecting the dots: carving out the time to find and filter the research, and to then apply it to our practices to improve client care.  

Some organisations and professionals are doing terrific work to make it easier for busy speech pathologists to find and translate research into practice. For example, The Informed SLP and many universities are now using social media and new technologies to help practitioners find out about their work. But we could all do more to help bridge the gap between research and day-to-day practice. 

To do our bit for knowledge sharing – and to help manage our fear of missing out on the joint Speech Pathology Australia-New Zealand Speech-Language Therapists’ Association (NZSPA) Conference in Brisbane last week – we spent each night of the conference going through the #NZSPAConf tweets to find resources, tools and tips that could help our practice and other private practices to improve client care. 

So here is our list, including:

  • 29 useful free resources we discovered (or rediscovered) from the NZSPA Conference tweets last week, with links to the actual tools and resources; and
  • 11 other ideas, including mental models, pending research, and other useful information to help clinicians in private practice. 

In most cases, the authors of the resources are clear from the links, although we’ve tried to add in twitter handles (or at least lead author names) where we could find them. Any errors of interpretation are ours alone.

Note that our selection bias was extreme: we chose things that were of immediate, practical, clinical interest to us in a busy private practice; and our interests are wide and eclectic! There were (literally) hundreds of other resources and tips on other topics that we could have shared from what was by any measure an amazing conference.

If you know of (or created!) other free evidence-based resources that would help private practitioners, please feel free to let us know, and we will add them to the list!

The Squirrel Story (narrative Ax with Australian norms)httpss://www.languageandliteracyinyoungpeople.com/apps-resources


Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl, Emily Dawes @emilydawesSLP and team at
Black Sheep Press (UK)
Oral inferential comprehension intervention for children with #devlangdis (full free Rx resource)httpss://www.dropbox.com/sh/sh93neh6ql658xq/AADrIdNSms49Pr9el9D_51eda?dl=0
Emily Dawes @emilydawesSLP, Suze Leitao @Suze_Freogirl and team
Health literacy and SLP Report Writing presentation (the slides themselves are a master class in Plain English, and clear expression)httpss://www.harmonyturnbull.org/2019/06/03/conference-presentation/Harmony Turnbull @SP_Harmony
PEERS for Young Adults program for social skills (free social communication videos)httpss://www.routledgetextbooks.com/textbooks/9781138238718/videos.phpElizabeth Laugeson
Marleen Westerveld’s free resources, including discourse level narrative, retell tasks and a free photo bank you can use for a variety of receptive and expressive oral and written language taskshttpss://www.marleenwesterveld.com/resources/Marleen Westerveld 
A treasure trove of Phonological Awareness Resources (University of Canterbury)httpss://www.canterbury.ac.nz/education/research/phonological-awareness-resources/Gail Gillon @gailtgillon
Accessible information about speech, language and communicationhttpss://www.speakupsalford.nhs.uk/Via @speechiemsm
ERLI (comprising 120 typical first words and gestures, developed for young children in remote Northern Territory, but of potential use for many other populations, too)httpss://www.facebook.com/pg/EarlyRemoteLanguageInventory/photos/?ref=page_internalCaroline Jones and colleagues
PFASE (free e-course on paediatric feeding!)httpss://central.csds.qld.edu.au/central/courses/219Clinical Skills Development Service (Queensland)
OZI-SF (Australian MacArthur Bates vocabulary Ax) – watch this space!httpss://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0142723716648846?journalCode=flaaMarina Kalashnikova and colleagues
ReST (evidence-based CAS treatment)https://sydney.edu.au/health-sciences/rest/Tricia McCabe @tricmc and colleagues at the University of Sydney
TIDieR – Better Reporting of Interventions descriptions to allow better replication (checklist/guide)https://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/tidier/Tammy Hoffmann and colleagues
Free – Sampling Utterances and Grammatical Analysis Revised (SUGAR)httpss://www.sugarlanguage.org/Bob Owens and Stacey Pavelko
Decoding Dragon to chase away the guessing monster (literacy)Lyn Stone @lifelonglit
Michigan 10 key skills for early literacy instructionhttpss://memspa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Booklet-FINAL-9.14.17.pdfVia @tricmc
Liberator AAC resources and informationhttpss://liberator.net.au/support/educationhttpss://liberator.net.au/
MOSAIC Online Ax for observations of people withintellectual disabilitieshttpss://www.mosaiccommunication.com.au/@AndySmidt
Intelligibility in Context Scalehttpss://www.csu.edu.au/research/multilingual-speech/ics@SharynneMcLeod
SoundLog Noise Dosimeterhttpss://itunes.apple.com/au/app/soundlog-noise-dosimeter/id1063941394?mt=8Australian Hearing Services
Ottawa Patient Decision Aid to support familieshttpss://decisionaid.ohri.ca/
Drooling Quotienthttpss://www.aacpdm.org/UserFiles/file/drooling-quotient-instructions.pdfvan Hulst and colleagues
Drooling Impact Scalehttpss://www.aacpdm.org/UserFiles/file/The-Drooling-Impact-Scale.pdfSusan Reid and colleagues
CSDRNetwork Transcription Guidelines (Guidelines Relating to Clinical Management of Child Speech Disorder | North Bristol NHS Trust)
Guidelines Relating to Clinical Management of Child Speech Disorder
Via @speechieellie
Promoting use of home languages:YouTube Resources from NSW Health SESLHDHow Childcare Educators can support bilingual children?:httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-7-KN4gFCc

Helping your child learn two languages: httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIrD7PkeDdg
Youth Voices in Youth Justicehttps://talkingtroublenz.org/presentations-publications/youth-voices-about-youth-justice/Talking Trouble NZ
Multilingual Language AxThe Alberta Language Development Questionnaire ALDeQ (Paradis) – questionnaires, intended to be administered in interview 

Non-word Repetition Task
Johanna Paradis

Dollaghan & Campbell
Multilingual Speech Axhttpss://www.csu.edu.au/research/multilingual-speech/speech-assessments@SharynneMcLeod
Office Lens (App) totake photos of whiteboards and presentations (free)httpss://itunes.apple.com/au/app/microsoft-office-lens-pdf-scan/id975925059?mt=8Via @robertPwells
Boys and literacy acquisitionhttpss://digitalmediaprojectforchildren.wordpress.com/2019/04/19/boys-and-literacy-acquisition-introduction/@ProfRvach

Other clinically relevant things I found out about from the NZSPA Conference tweets:

Topic/issue/modelMore about itResearch to watch/follow
New tongue tie research
Holly Salt, Sharon Smart @sharonsmart79, and Mary Claessen @SpeechMary
More about the duty of Care vs Dignity of Risk, including in the context of dysphagiahttpss://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6btzquVia @emilywaites
New drooling research on its way
Michelle McInerney
Linda Worrall’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Aphasia Therapists
Goal Setting model for aphasia (SMARTER): Shared, Monitored, Accessible, Relevant, Transparent, Evolving and Relationship-centred (Hersh et al., 2012)

Watch out for soon to be published systematic study about Childhood Apraxia of Speech + evidence-based tips to help us to differentially diagnose Childhood Apraxia of Speech@LizMurraySpeakand colleagues via @speechiellie
Launch of the Centre of Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitationhttpss://www.latrobe.edu.au/research/centres/health/aphasia
More on the effects of classroom noise on language comprehension

Australian Hearing
Why classroom acoustics are an issue for SLPsRebecca Armstrong @bec_armstrong18
4 dimensions Maori health model (NZ)httpss://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/populations/maori-health/maori-health-models/maori-health-models-te-whare-tapa-wha
Better Scientific Posters design templateshttpss://osf.io/ef53g/
Excellent review/discussion  of the Simple View of Readinghttpss://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19404158.2019.1609272Kate Nation @ReadOxford

Image: httpss://tinyurl.com/y6953792

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