SLP Three-Piece Thursday 7: on productivity, the death of expertise, and more sleep!
- On productivity: Being productive isn’t the same thing as doing more things or being busy. It’s doing the right things. Time, energy and attention are not unlimited: you should be stingy with each. Start with a purpose: three things you want to achieve each month, week and day. Reward yourself for finishing tough tasks. Work less than 50 hours a week. Write down every outstanding task you can think of to free-up brain power. More: check out Chris Bailey.
- On the death of expertise: Information wants to be free and is almost infinite these days. The days of making a good living by using ‘secret’ information are ending. But there are some problems. There is too much conflicting information out there on many topics. Many people – especially vulnerable people – have insufficient tools to sift facts from lies; evidence from fiction. Having less skill at a task can make you less likely to recognise your own incompetence. People pay more attention to information that supports what we think is true (confirmation bias). These factors create blind spots: we can miss the obvious. There’s never been a better time to add value by fact-checking and educating people on how to process information. But experts are frequently wrong. For more, read Tom Nichols’ book The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters.
- On sleep: Too many of us are exhausted! Sleep more. Rid your bedroom of electronic devices and invest in black-out blinds. Keep a sleep schedule. Set an alarm for bedtime (not just wake-up time). Wake up at the same time every day (even weekends). Nap more during the day. For more, check out Chris Winter’s The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It.