
$5.99 including GST
A new client calls you and books an appointment. Great! You’ve logged their essential information with your phone intake form. Even better. What next?
Use this template to confirm the details of your client’s first appointment in writing.
Designed to reduce failures to attend, confirm assessment fees, answer frequently asked questions about your clinic and other logistical details.
This resource is available in PDF and Word formats.

$12.00 including GST
We’re delighted to introduce our newly revised, strength-based, client questionnaire for children and adolescents.
Key features:
NEW Google Form template. Simply click the link in the downloaded PDF, save it to your Google Drive, add your branding, and use “as is”; or edit the form to add, subtract or change any of the questions.
The form can be sent by email to families, and filled and submitted online.
Allows families to highlight their children’s strengths, interests and supports to tailor your assessments and therapy recommendations.
Covers evidence-based, known red flags and risk factors for communication issues and medical background.
- No space issues.
Incorporates written consents.

$30.00 including GST
***PLEASE NOTE: This policy was written prior to the COVID-19 lockdowns in NSW, Victoria and other places in 2021. We will update the policy once relevant rules/guidelines have been issued. If you would like us to let you know once the updated policy is available, please email us at hello@speechiesinbusiness.com.au. Thank you.***
In many jurisdictions, speech pathologists in private practice must have an infection control policy.
This policy template covers management guidelines and precautions for staff when potentially exposed to infection risks.

$5.99 including GST
Seeking written consent before you start therapy gives you an opportunity to have an open conversation with your client’s parent or guardian about assessment findings, treatment alternatives, expected benefits, risks and factors that may affect outcomes (like attendance and home practice).
This short form consent is designed to help you get consent and to prompt that important discussion with your clients and their families.

$40.00 including GST
Our NDIS and Health Provider Booking and Cancellation Policy explains to clients why it is so important that they attend appointments on time, and why late cancellations are a problem. It also sets out what happens if a client doesn’t show up, cancels at short notice, turns up late, or behaves in an unacceptable or dangerous way.
The Policy also sets out what happens if a client needs to cancel an appointment at short notice (aligned with the NDIA 7-day short notice cancellation principle as set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23).

$65.00 including GST
This resource includes a:
- NDIS Complaints Management and Resolution System Policy Document (8 pages); and
- NDIS Complaint and Feedback Form (3 pages),
designed to help meet the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018.
Having such a policy is a condition of registration – and something NDIS providers can expect to be asked for as part of verification or certification.
We’ve used a plain English, accessible writing style, and included a PDF and a Word version of both documents, so you can use or adapt the documents for your needs.

$75.00 including GST
This is our updated, plain English 28-page NDIS Incident Management and Reportable Incidents System Policy and Procedures Template (PDF and Word formats).
Written for small and medium-sized providers who are determined to improve support quality and safety and who want clear incident management systems to record and manage incidents that happen while providing supports and services to people with disability.
Fully editable, so you can tailor it for your needs, and the needs of NDIS participants, and workers.

$65.00 including GST
If you are an NDIS Provider, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Practice Standards and Quality Indicators require you to have waste management policies and procedures to protect participants, workers and others who work with you from harm, including from harms caused by exposure to waste, or from infectious or hazardous substances generated during the delivery of your supports and services.
The 8-page policy template covers general, clinical, clinical sharps, and pharmaceutical waste. For many NDIS Providers, the focus will be on managing general waste. However, some NDIS Providers provide health or clinical services to participants, and may also also need to address the management of clinical, clinical sharps, and, potentially, pharmaceutical waste flows, too.

$9.99 including GST
Building a good referral network of local health care providers can be a great way to build your practice. But your clients’ best interests always come first.
This policy is designed to affirm your commitment to transparency about referrals. Among other things, the policy makes it clear that you don’t pay or accept payments or other inducements for referrals.
For Australian speech pathologists it is also designed to help you demonstrate compliance with the SPA Code of Ethics and the proposed National Code for unregistered health practitioners.

$30.00 including GST
Social media is a wonderful tool to connect and engage with others – both professionally and personally. But, because it blurs the distinction between work and play, staff use of social media can expose private practices to legal and reputational risks.
This 6-page policy is intended to help mitigate some of these risks by outlining expectations about staff use of social media. It seeks to balance your legitimate interests in protecting your business and reputation while encouraging staff to use social media sensibly.
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