$65.00 including GST
Child safety is the most important obligation of NDIS providers and health providers who work with children.
This 16-page Child Safety Code of Conduct and Policy template (made available in Word and PDF versions) is designed to help NDIS providers and health providers to respond to, and implement, the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations published by the Australian Human Rights Commission, as a step toward becoming a child safe organisation.
Note: this template has not been written with any particular legislation of South Australia in mind and we make no representation about it being in compliance with any particular piece of South Australian legislation.
$65.00 including GST
Integrating the key elements of the NDIS Code of Conduct, with the Codes of Conduct for AHPRA-registered health professionals, and the Codes of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners, this Code of Conduct is suitable for any NDIS provider and health professional, including health providers who are also NDIS providers.
We have designed the 24-page template to work either as part of a broader
Risk Management System or as a standalone tool to communicate expectations and set a compliance culture.
$40.00 including GST
Our NDIS and Health Provider Booking and Cancellation Policy explains to clients why it is so important that they attend appointments on time, and why late cancellations are a problem. It also sets out what happens if a client doesn’t show up, cancels at short notice, turns up late, or behaves in an unacceptable or dangerous way.
The Policy also sets out what happens if a client needs to cancel an appointment at short notice (aligned with the NDIA 7-day short notice cancellation principle as set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2022-23).
$65.00 including GST
This resource includes a:
- NDIS Complaints Management and Resolution System Policy Document (8 pages); and
- NDIS Complaint and Feedback Form (3 pages),
designed to help meet the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018.
Having such a policy is a condition of registration – and something NDIS providers can expect to be asked for as part of verification or certification.
We’ve used a plain English, accessible writing style, and included a PDF and a Word version of both documents, so you can use or adapt the documents for your needs.
$75.00 including GST
This is our updated, plain English 28-page NDIS Incident Management and Reportable Incidents System Policy and Procedures Template (PDF and Word formats).
Written for small and medium-sized providers who are determined to improve support quality and safety and who want clear incident management systems to record and manage incidents that happen while providing supports and services to people with disability.
Fully editable, so you can tailor it for your needs, and the needs of NDIS participants, and workers.
$65.00 including GST
Suitable for small and medium NDIS service providers, this 10-page privacy policy template provides a framework you can tailor for the specifics of your business.
The NDIS Provider Privacy Policy and Notice is designed to work as a standalone policy document framework, or as part of a larger NDIS Service Provider Risk Management System.
$65.00 including GST
In late 2021, the NDIS Provider Registration and Practice Standards Rules and NDIS Quality Indicators for Practice Standard Guidelines were amended. One of the key new requirements was a new practice standard for emergency and disaster management. Among other things, this new standard requires NDIS providers to prepare, prevent, manage and respond to emergency and disaster situations** whilst mitigating the risks to and ensuring the continuity of supports that are critical to the health, safety and wellbeing of NDIS participants.
In this 16-page resource, we provide a template framework designed to help small- and medium-sized NDIS providers to demonstrate compliance with the new practice standard.
$65.00 including GST
NDIS registered providers, or organisations working towards becoming registered NDIS providers, are required (among other things) to have an HR System to track compliance with NDIS registration requirements relating to key personnel and other workers who are in risk assessed roles.
In this HR System template, we list key personnel and other workers in risk assessed roles, and set out registers of important compliance measures the NDIS provider needs to undertake to keep people with disability safe.
$120.00 including GST
In an effort to make NDIS service agreements between NDIS providers and NDIS participants more professional and user-friendly, we have drafted this template in plain English and in a table format, to help both participants and providers to understand and to agree terms efficiently. The template is available in both Word and PDF.
This 16-page template is designed to help you respond to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-25, the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators, and the NDIS Act and Rules.
$65.00 including GST
If you are an NDIS Provider, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Practice Standards and Quality Indicators require you to have waste management policies and procedures to protect participants, workers and others who work with you from harm, including from harms caused by exposure to waste, or from infectious or hazardous substances generated during the delivery of your supports and services.
The 8-page policy template covers general, clinical, clinical sharps, and pharmaceutical waste. For many NDIS Providers, the focus will be on managing general waste. However, some NDIS Providers provide health or clinical services to participants, and may also also need to address the management of clinical, clinical sharps, and, potentially, pharmaceutical waste flows, too.
$65.00 including GST
To protect participants, the NDIS (Practice Standards – Worker Screening) Rules 2018, as amended (the Rules) require NDIS providers to have a policy and processes in place to screen workers and other personnel.
This 12-page policy is drafted to help small providers to address the requirements of the Rules, including by establishing records to prove compliance with the Rules. It is drafted conservatively, with a “no clearance-no work” approach to protect small NDIS providers and participants.
$40.00 including GST
This Zero Tolerance Policy template is designed to signal to clients and others that staff and others in your workplace should always be treated with respect and dignity, and that violent, aggressive, abusive, and threatening behaviours are never OK.
We’ve worked hard to write the policy in Plain English, and it is in editable Word format so you can expand and tailor it for any special or additional risks in your workplace.
We’ve also included an A4 poster, which can be put up behind reception desks and other areas in which client discussions are regularly held.
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