Practice Launch Coaching

SLP New Practice Launch Coach
Are you looking to launch (or re-launch) a successful speech pathology practice?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the complexity, risks, and unknowns?
Are you worried about a lack of business knowledge or experience?
Are your fears, uncertainties, and self-doubt holding you back from taking the next big step?

We can help!
Meet Birch, our Superb Lyrebird. He’s been around since the very beginning of our clinic, Banter Speech & Language.
We chose Birch as a mascot because Lyrebirds are rare and unique. They’re Australian icons, featuring on our 10c coins.
But Birch is not just a cute mascot. He’s our business framework, too. One you can borrow and apply to plan, launch, and grow a practice you’re proud of.
For more than a decade, Birch has helped us to manage, reinvent and sustain our private speech pathology practice.
He can help you too!

How, exactly?
Our SLP New Practice Launch Coach is a 6-session, 12-week program in which I work with you, one-to-one, to help you create, plan and launch (or relaunch) a speech pathology practice you’ll love.
Together, we’ll apply our Birch Framework to help you:
- overcome fears, self-doubts, and uncertainties by focusing on your mission;
- plan a sustainable, differentiated, and profitable practice that plays to your strengths, interests and passions;
- manage business and compliance risks (including burn out risk); and
- launch (or relaunch) a practice that reflects who you are, and what you want to achieve for your clients.

Let’s break down the Birch Framework
Just like your dream practice, Birch has lots of parts that must work together to help him thrive. Birch has:
With our SLP New Practice Launch Coaching Program, I take you through each of these key business areas, making sure you have the knowledge, resources and confidence to plan and launch your practice, and to hit the ground running.
Why choose this program?
Integrated knowledge: My professional training and experience spans speech pathology, law and business. In this coaching program, I apply my knowledge and skills in all three domains to provide you with practical, tailored guidance.
Experience: I’ve been a professional advisor for more than 25 years. I’ve been helping people launch and grow their speech pathology practices for almost a decade.
We walk the walk: I’ve been exactly where you are right now and know how scary it can feel. I’ve learned from my (many) mistakes along the way. I maintain a clinical caseload, so I haven’t forgotten how hard speech pathology practice can be in the real world!
Next Steps:
If you’d like to work with me or would like to find out more how the SLP New Practice Launch Coach service can help you to launch and manage your practice, let’s chat!